740-753-6181 | studentemployment@laurenrankinart.com
John Light 167, Nelsonville Campus
十大网赌网站大全为学生提供校内和社区服务项目(如America Reads)的就业机会. 校园周围的工作可能包括在设施工作, the cafeteria, specific department offices, and others. 所有学生就业工作的清单可以在学生就业办公室找到.
740-753-6181 | studentemployment@laurenrankinart.com
John Light 167, Nelsonville Campus
If your remaining balance to pay is $2,500 or less for the semester, after all charges and expected aid have posted, 你可能有资格获得霍金大学工作奖学金,最高可获得1美元,000. 任何剩余的余额将建立在现金支付计划上.
The application process is simple! 你所要做的就是与学生就业或经济援助办公室见面,或者填写一份表格 online application.
一旦你决定要获得工作奖学金, you will complete the Work Scholarship Agreement. 协议签署后,您将被指示申请学生就业.
一旦学生接受了工作奖学金,1000美元就会被添加到他们的账户中. In return, 学生同意每两周工资期工作20小时(平均每周10小时),将自动扣除并用于偿还奖学金. Once the student has met their obligation, 任何额外的工作时间都将导致学生获得这些时间的工资.
当学生完成工作奖学金并支付1美元时,000 back in full by working approximately 115 hours, they will transition to regular student employment, and the deduction will stop for that semester.
您将欠的差额可能会放在现金支付计划. 该计划将通过出纳办公室制定.
你在十大网赌网站大全每学期都可以获得工作奖学金. 如果学生想继续参加这个项目,他们必须每学期申请工作奖学金. If a student fails to complete the work scholarship, 他们没有资格再次申请,除非已经制定了支付计划来支付未支付的奖学金金额.
如果你对某个部门的工作机会感兴趣, 请访问位于jl187的学生就业办公室,查看可用职位的完整列表.
Hours of Operations:
8 AM - 5 PM | Monday - Friday
3301 Hocking Pkwy.
Nelsonville, Ohio 45764